Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Erich von Däniken

Erich von Daniken is quite a fascinating researcher and prolific writer.
Many people prefer to think that there is only one world that has life on it. But for the more curious, there are so many mysteries, legends & contemporary stories to consider.
Erich has been challenged because of his POV. Many people are skeptical that intelligent life could have existed on this world in the very ancient past & that life might have existed on many worlds for a very long time. So its about how curious one is about exploring various idea that aren't always officially recognized by the $Y$TEM.

Before E von D started his quest of researching ancient history there was Zecharia-Sitchin. They both became the pioneers of perceiving more things & connecting more of the dots.

Curious people like, Philip-Coppens continue to explore the evidence & the many perspectives of various people on the ET Hypothesis.
